Spiritczualic (“cz” borrowed from the Polish / tʂ / hard “tch”) - a word-melange of “ritczualic” and spiritual, reflects upon the ancient practice of musical ritualism. As an idea, it greatly predates the physical occurrence of the Enhancement Center - on Christmas 2017, when an Ottoman building below the Gates of Jerusalem provided itself for a remarkable meeting.
The trespassing people who happened to be there - admittingly bizarre participants synchronized by state-of-mind rather than tune or scale - began exploring sonic sessions of do-it-yourself mysticism. Witnesses of its ritualistic gatherings have indeed reported moments of divination - and possibly sorcery. This raises the question, will the audience once again behold the allurement of Higher Sources - or rather testify to trickery.
The Spiritczualic Enhancement Center is an outer-national movement of musicians and visual artists, a traveling nexus collecting dozens of participants to explore alchemical realms of sonic ritualism.
Fusing DIY electronics with experimental improvisation and traditional instruments, recurring collaborators have studied under masters of Andalusian music, undertaken Grammy award nominated ethno-music research, as well as established important underground venues and recording studios in Berlin and Hamburg's musical scenes.
Visual artist Dima Rabik contributes his miniature ink drawing style to all Spiritczualic releases - as well as a live-drawing projection during performances.
Together with Ventral is Golden concerts have become mythic temples adorned with syncretic collages and installations.
When manifested in residencies and temporary autonomous zones, Spiritczualic Enhancement Center produces site-specific recordings and space-oriented artworks.


Born literally on Christmas Eve, the Spiritczualic Enhancement Center was first concealed in an abandoned building by the Old City of Dangerousalem.
Due to the illegality of its foundation, it now operates in exile.
With free-beat instrumentals arousing synchronicities, the bizarre participants of this spectral-jazz ensemble refer to Higher Sources. Witnesses of its gatherings have reported moments of divination - and possibly sorcery.
It may reappear.
To find out - observe this otherworldly musical occurrence in person.

Transporting Salt (Crash Symbols, 2020)
30.06 Dubstation, Fusion Festival, Germany
08.07 Klunkerkranich, Berlin
21.09 Outernational Days Festival, Bucharest
25.09 Ziegrastraße, Berlin
30.09 New Hamburg Festival, Hamburg
06.10 Le Salopard, Biel
16.11 Chez Fritz, St. Gallen
21.11 Pink Pank, Rotterdam
23.11 Le Brass, Bruxelles
08.01 Mazkeka, Jerusalem
14.01 Postel, Jaffa
14.03 Golden Pudel, Hamburg
16.03 Punctum, Prague
18.03 Rhiz, Vienna
23.03 Arkaoda, Berlin
17.04 Golden Pudel, Hamburg
18.04 Klunkerkranich, Berlin
05.05 Studio City Gate, Bruxelles
23.05 Voodoohop at Mensch Meier, Berlin
10.06 Ziegrastr. 11, Berlin
13.06 w HFBK, GWA Hamburg
14.06 MS Stubnitz, Hamburg
10.8 Kraut am Ebertplatz, Köln
11.8 HausLicht, Köln
7.9 Camp Cosmic, Chemnitz
6.12 Ziegrastr. 11, Berlin
8.12 Astra Stube, Hamburg
to be announced


Dreaming of Miles Davis - Transporting Salt - Enhanced Edition

My Silence is Spanish (Carpet Album)

360° of Harmony (Carpet Album)

Hosting Damo Suzuki

Making of - Studio CityGate

Culmination at Studio CityGate

Presentation @ Studio CityGate

Source Of Powerdropping - The Uncanny Times (Hive Mind Records)